CaptainSparklez Net Worth and Earnings

CaptainSparklez net worth is $13.7 million. The YouTuber has 1.99 billion YouTube views and 8.9 million subscribers. CaptainSparklez has earned $15 million in YouTube ad revenue and $14 million from sales of merchandise. That’s a total of $29 million earned since 2010.

Earnings isn’t the same as net worth. To get the net, we subtracted $15.4 million for taxes and $900,000 for expenses. We also added back $900,000 for investment income after tax.

CaptainSparklez Net Worth Facts

CaptainSparklez net worth vs PewDiePie net worth3 times smaller
CaptainSparklez net worth vs JennaMarbles net worthTwice as big
CaptainSparklez net worth vs TheDiamondMinecart net worth20% smaller
CaptainSparklez net worth vs UberHaxorNova net worth2.5 times larger
CaptainSparklez net worth vs Vegetta777 net worth10% larger
CaptainSparklez net worth vs HolaSoyGerman net worthTwice as big
CaptainSparklez net worth vs VanossGaming net worth20% larger
CaptainSparklez net worth vs Hillary Clinton net worth3 times smaller
CaptainSparklez net worth vs Selena Gomez net worth3.5 times smaller
CaptainSparklez net worth vs Adele net worthHalf as big
CaptainSparklez net worth vs Lydia Ko net worth15% bigger
CaptainSparklez net worth vs The Game net worth35% bigger
CaptainSparklez net worth vs Wiz Khalifa net worth2.5 times smaller
CaptainSparklez net worth vs the typical American family188 times larger

Also see: PewDiePie Net Worth

CaptainSparklez net worth of $13.7 million is only one third the size of YouTube top banana PewDiePie’s net worth of $42.5 million. It’s more than twice as big as JennaMarbles net worth of $6.3 million and 20% smaller than TheDiamondMineCart’s net worth of $15.7 million. CaptainSparklez net worth trump’s UberHaxorNova’s $5 million dollar net worth and HolaSoyGerman’s $7 million dollar net worth. The typical American family has $68,000. That’s 202 times less than CaptainSparklez.

Where Does CaptainSparklez Net Worth Come From?

CaptainSparklez Net Worth FactsCaptainSparklez, real name Jordan Maron, has made his living almost entirely by posting videos of himself playing Minecraft on YouTube. The money comes from a mix of YouTube ad revenue and sales of merchandise like tee shirts and baseball hats. There are also CaptainSparklez action figures and plush toys.

CaptainSparklez famously dropped out of college to post gaming videos on YouTube full time. The move wasn’t a bad one. Though it may have shocked his parents initially, the YouTuber’s annual earnings top $4.8 million. With that kind of income stream, it’s no wonder he was able to buy a $4.5 million dollar home in the Hollywood Hills. Not bad for a college dropout who plays video games all day.

CaptainSparklez Net Worth Over Time

How long did it take CaptainSparklez to get rich? About a year, if “rich” means he had over a million dollars. The YouTuber has been at it since 2010 with his own channel. In that time, he’s earned $29 million dollars and kept less than half of it. His total net worth sits at an estimated $12.8 million. Here’s how CaptainSparklez’s net worth looks over time:

CaptainSparklez Net Worth 2010$2,134,752.24
CaptainSparklez Net Worth 2011$4,269,504.48
CaptainSparklez Net Worth 2012$6,404,256.72
CaptainSparklez Net Worth 2013$8,539,008.96
CaptainSparklez Net Worth 2014$10,673,761.21
CaptainSparklez Net Worth 2015$12,808,513.45

Also see: Lydia Ko Net Worth

YouTube earnings aren’t openly published. The way we figured CaptainSparklez’s earnings was to look at his total YouTube views of 1.99 billion. Industry estimates place YouTube earnings at about $7.60 per 1,000 views for ad revenue. That gave us a total career YouTube earnings figure of $15 million for CaptainSparklez. Since we’re not sure exactly when each of those 1.99 billion views happened, we split the YouTube star’s earnings evenly by year. That gives us a fairly straight-line growth for CaptainSparklez’s net worth. That straight line growth is no doubt artificial. The star’s real net worth growth almost certainly followed a more jagged path.

CaptainSparklez Net Worth Timeline

Figuring CaptainSparklez’s Net Worth

CaptainSparklez Net Worth CalculationsCaptainSparklez a.k.a Jordan Maron is a private citizen and doesn’t have to disclose his net worth. However, industry experts estimate that 1,000 YouTube views translates to about $7.60 in earnings. We know that CaptainSparklez has 1.99 billion YouTube views. That maps to $15 million dollars.

We also know CaptainSparklez sells tee shirts, hats, hoodies, action figures and other merchandise. Of course there are costs associated with making and distributing these items, so Jordan Maron doesn’t get all the money from sales. However, a conservative best-guess estimate is that for every 1,000 views of his YouTube videos, CaptainSparklez gets $7 in merchandise dollars.

CaptainSparklez Net Worth Calculations

CaptainSparklez YouTube Views1,993,501,650
$ Per 1,000 YouTube Views$7.60
CaptainSparklez YouTube Earnings$15,150,612.54
CaptainSparklez Merchandise Earnings$13,954,511.55
Total CaptainSparklez Earnings$29,105,124.09
Investment Income$939,750
CaptainSparklez Net Worth$13,748,263.27

Even though we know CaptainSparklez’s approximate YouTube earnings and can make a good guess at his earnings from merchandise, that still doesn’t tell us his net worth. The star has earned $29 million, but that doesn’t mean he’s kept that much. CaptainSparklez has to pay for cost of living and other expenses just like everybody else. He also has taxes just like everyone else. To get his real net worth value, we figured in those factors below.

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CaptainSparklez Taxes, Expenses, Investments

CaptainSparklez HouseWe started with YouTube earnings of $15 million and merchandise income of $14 million for CaptainSparklez. Then we figured the YouTuber’s taxes.

CaptainSparklez is in a 39.6% federal tax bracket. He also pays the highest state tax rate in California of 13.3%. That gives the gamer a 52.9% tax rate. That means he keeps less than half of every dollar he makes. Applying that amount to his lifetime earnings gives a total career tax bill of $15.4 million. We also figured on living expenses of $150,000 per year.

YearTotal CaptainSparklez EarningsTaxesExpensesInvestment IncomeCaptainSparklez Net Worth

We also figured investment income into our CaptainSparklez net worth amount. The YouTuber has likely earned at least 6% interest on his wealth since 2010. Even after taxes, that adds up to a handy $900,000.

What About CaptainSparklez’s House and Cars?

CaptainSparklez Net Worth Cars HouseCaptainSparklez owns a $4.5 million dollar house in the Hollywood Hills. He also loves classic cars and muscle cars and owns at least three high-dollar cars. Do these expenses figure into his net worth? Not really. He could sell that $4.5 million dollar house today and probably get at least what he paid for it. As for buying classic cars, those are more of an investment than an expense. They’re likely to either boost CaptainSparklez’s net worth or not affect it at all.

Can I Earn as Much as CaptainSparklez?

One of the biggest reasons people care about CaptainSparklez’s net worth is that it’s a new twist on the American dream. A rags to riches story, where someone does something as simple as dropping out of college and playing video games, and rakes in millions. How likely it for the average Joe or Jane to reproduce CaptainSparklez’s success? The answer is, “Not very.”

In order to make even $35,000 a year from YouTube income, a YouTuber would have to get 4.6 million YouTube views per year. That’s a lot of YouTube views. Assuming a gamer made a video every week and took only two weeks for vacation, they’d have to get 92,000 views per video. Even if they made a video every single day, they’d still have to get at least 18,400 views on every single video. That’s just to earn $35,000 a year, before taxes.

In order to earn as much money as CaptainSparklez, a YouTuber would have to make a video every single weekday all year long and get 1.4 million views on each video, every single time.


The New York Times