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Stocking Stuffers for Men for Under $10

The Christmas stocking is one of the most creative ways to gift each holiday season, not limited to just children. In fact, stocking stuffers for men in the family are becoming quite common. What kind of gifts can you get your man for under $10? Favorites include nostalgic candy, beard grooming products, and anything bacon!

Bacon Stocking Stuffers for Men

Does your guy like bacon? This hot trend just gets more popular every year. Anything that smells or tastes like bacon is a good pick, including the following:

Bacon ($3.49)

Your local grocer carries shelf-stable bacon that tastes great and can be eaten straight from the package! Brands such as Oscar Meyer and Hormel have their own varieties. Or, you can skip the store and have it ordered for delivery to your home in time for the holidays.

Get 72 slices at Amazon for $17.

Bacon Bandages ($6.99)

Men work and play hard, and often suffer the consequences. Dress your injuries in style with these clever bacon bandages. These are extra cushiony and shaped like cooked slices of pork!

Get them at Amazon for around $7.

Bacon Salt ($7.49)

Wish everything tasted like bacon? With JD’s Bacon Salt, it can! Sprinkle this savory seasoning on meat, potatoes, and even sweets. They’ll have a smoky bacon flavor with little effort. A big bottle makes one of the best stocking stuffers for men and should last a long while.

Buy it from Amazon for $7.50.

Nostalgic Items for Men

We all love to live our glory days, and men are no different. Stuff their holiday stockings with any one of these affordable blasts from the past, and watch their faces light up on Christmas morning! These stocking stuffers for man can help them feel like boys again.

Vintage Candy ($6 and up)

Remember Mary Janes, Necco Wafers, and those weird wax bottles with juice inside? All can be had for stuffing the stockings with the large assortment available to purchase online. Get dozens of your favorites for under $10.

Start shopping at Amazon for full selection.

Water Games ($5 and up)

Who doesn’t recall hours spent trying to beat a water game? These simple games use air pressure to get the ball in the hoop or the peg in the loop. There are many water games available to make Christmas morning nostalgic. Don’t be surprised if that’s all your man does on Christmas morning!

Get them at Amazon for all prices.

Rubik’s Cube ($9)

One of the most popular brain teasers ever is still going strong! Relive the 80’s, 90’s, and 00’s with this puzzle that offers almost infinite possibilities. Perfect for the stocking, it’s portable play for all ages of men.

Get the original for $9 at Amazon. The 2X2 is also a fun time!

Grooming Products for Men

What guy doesn’t want to look (and smell) good? With so many stocking-sized products available, it may be hard to choose just one or two for the holidays. Here are some of the best picks for grooming your guy.

Beard Salve ($10)

Condition, strengthen, and smooth your beard and look good for the season with a high-qualify beard balm. Find most balms for under $10, although a few higher-end products may command more. One popular option is the All-American Gentleman Beard Conditioner. It’s 100% natural, organic, and ready to buy from Amazon for around $10.

Beard Brush ($9)

Keep your beard and ‘stashe looking sharp with this brush and comb set for wet or dry beards. Made from natural bamboo and boar bristle! It’s pocket-sized, too. Your man can take it anywhere he wants to look good!

Get it at Amazon for $9.

Lip Balm ($6)

Skip the cherry, berry, and bubble gum flavors. Your man wants a lip balm designed for his needs. The ChapFix balms don’t just look good in their rugged black packaging, they also have ingredients made to protect against the elements. This balm might be one of the most clever stocking stuffers for men. It’s packaged to not bulge in pockets or roll away!

Get it at Amazon for around $6.

Finally, you need something to put all that gear in. Do you have a stocking picked out for your guy? Since a stocking can say a lot about a man’s personality, much thought should go into the sock before worrying about the proper stocking stuffers for your guy. Find the perfect theme for the season, by choosing among dozens of favorites themed for Star Wars, Doctor Who, Marvel, and more! Prices for stocking range from $10 for small basic stocking and can up to $50 for the most deluxe, designer looks.