The best student credit card isn't a path to riches or the good life but a convenience that should be treated with caution. Even the best cards for students won...
How do late payments affect a credit score? A single late payment can drop a credit score anywhere from 60 to 110 points. Late payments stay on credit reports f...
Emergency funds save big money on interest, penalties and taxes by preventing dipping into investments early or using credit to pay unexpected costs.
An emer...
Following the crash of 2008, I owed more than $24,000 in credit card debt. There was only a few hundred in my checking account and very little prospect for work...
Late payments and accounts turned over to collection agencies aren't the only ways to sink a credit score. Innocent actions like consolidating debt and even goi...
Oberthur technologies has created a prototype credit card that changes its Card Verification Value Code (CVV Code) with every transaction to stop credit card fr...
Anyone can boost a credit score fast. In this article, we'll show easy steps including how to monitor and fix a credit report and how to establish small lines o...
Without a credit card, daily life can be a challenge. The good news is, there are ways that even those with very bad credit can get credit cards. We'll show how...
A secured credit card can help rebuild bad credit or build a credit score for someone just starting out. Secured credit cards require a cash deposit, which usua...
If you’re like me, each year starts with the best of intentions - full of goals and New Year’s resolutions that fall to the wayside by mid-February at best! It...
You work hard yet never seem to get ahead financially. Once again, there's no money at the end of the month. If you consistently feel that way, congrats - you'r...