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Usain Bolt Net Worth: Oh Those Jamaica Tax Rates

As of 8/24/16, the Usain Bolt net worth total of $71.4 million is set to grow from probable new endorsement deals after that 2016 Olympics. The world’s fastest human has won nine Olympic gold medals. Bolt’s huge net worth comes almost entirely from endorsement deals, with a big nod to Jamaica’s stunningly low 25% top tax rate. If Bolt had been born in the United States he would have paid another 14% to 27% in taxes. If he’d lived in California he’d be worth $34 million less than he is today. So far Bolt has nabbed one gold medal in the 2016 Olympics. It’s not the medals that will make him richer though. It’s the endorsement deals.


Usain Bolt Net Worth Facts

Usain Bolt Net Worth Facts
Usain Bolt Net Worth$71,416,389
Usain Bolt net worth vs Michael Phelps net worthTwice as big
Usain Bolt net worth vs Ryan Lochte net worth24 times bigger
Usain Bolt net worth vs Katie Ledecky net worth714 times bigger
Usain Bolt net worth vs Carl Lewis net worth4 times bigger
Usain Bolt net worth vs Peyton Manning net worthHalf as big
Usain Bolt net worth vs Tiger woods net worth1/11th as big
Usain Bolt net worth vs Roger Federer net worth1/5th as big
Usain Bolt net worth vs Hillary Clinton net worthTwice as big
Usain Bolt net worth vs typical American family net worth1,050 times bigger

The Usain Bolt net worth sum of $71.4 million is twice as big as Michael Phelps’ net worth of $44 million. How is that possible when Phelps has 28 Olympic medals to Bolt’s nine? Because runners have something in common with every other human alive: They wear shoes. Bolt’s big Puma deal funnels money to him in a way that Phelps simply can’t match. Bolt’s net worth is 24 times bigger than Olympic swimmer Ryan Lochte’s net worth of $3 million and 714 times bigger than 2016 Olympic hopeful Katie Ledecky’s net worth of just $68,000. It’s four times bigger than the Carl Lewis net worth amount of $20 million. Professional athletes do a lot better than Olympians, since they combine huge salaries with big endorsement deals. Peyton Manning’s net worth of $157 million is twice as big as Usain Bolt’s net worth. Tiger Woods’ net worth of $825 million is 11 times bigger and Roger Federer’s $350 million net worth is five times bigger than Usain Bolt’s. Politicians don’t do nearly as well as famous athletes. Hillary Clinton’s $32 million net worth is about half of Usain Bolt’s.

Usain Bolt Net Worth Timeline

Usain Bolt Net Worth by Year
Usain Bolt net worth 2002$165,000
Usain Bolt net worth 2003$333,713
Usain Bolt net worth 2004$506,221
Usain Bolt net worth 2005$1,132,611
Usain Bolt net worth 2006$1,788,095
Usain Bolt net worth 2007$2,458,327
Usain Bolt net worth 2008$3,815,639
Usain Bolt net worth 2009$5,203,491
Usain Bolt net worth 2010$6,658,570
Usain Bolt net worth 2011$15,946,387
Usain Bolt net worth 2012$25,461,181
Usain Bolt net worth 2013$35,190,058
Usain Bolt net worth 2014$46,997,834
Usain Bolt net worth 2015$59,071,285
Usain Bolt net worth 2016$71,416,389

The big jump in the Usain Bolt net worth timeline above comes directly from a massive deal with Puma in 2011. Bolt had deals with Puma since 2002 but in 2011 they reached a level of about $9 million per year. Nearly all of the data above comes from estimates of Bolt’s endorsement deals. In fact as the chart below shows, only about 2% of Bolt’s fortune comes from running and other sources. Nearly 98% comes from endorsements built on his legendary status. It seems that if you are the fastest human ever recorded, millions of other people will pay to feel a little bit closer to your greatness. If there’s one thing shoe companies understand, it’s how to make a profit off that equation. Luckily for talented people like Bolt, they’ll pay dearly for that privilege. Bolt has won one gold medal in the 2016 Olympics. Though the medal itself doesn’t contribute to Bolt’s net worth, the future endorsement deals based on his Olympic success will bring him millions more each year.

Usain Bolt Net Worth Sources: Endorsements, Running

Where does the Usain Bolt net worth machine get its juice? Mostly from endorsements, but those would not have come if he wasn’t the fastest person on Earth. Bolt has made $108.7 million from endorsements and $1.3 million from track and field. He’s earned another $1.2 million from “other” sources like appearing on talk shows and a book about his life. Bolt’s annual earnings give him an average salary of $9.2 million per year, though that’s jumped drastically in 2016 to $18.4 million. Taxes have taken out $27.8 million and while that may seem like a lot, it’s really a lot less than any U.S. citizen would have paid on total earnings of $111 million. Bolt has paid $16.7 million in estimated expenses since 2002 and has earned $4.6 million in investment income.

Usain Bolt Net Worth Sources
Track & Field$1,340,000
Other Sources$1,260,000
Total Usain Bolt Earnings$111,350,000
Usain Bolt Salary (average)$9,210,417
Usain Bolt Salary 2016$18,360,000
Usain Bolt Net Worth$71,416,389

Related: Michael Phelps Net Worth

Usain Bolt Net Worth from the Olympics

There’s no evidence that the Olympics contributes anything at all to the Usain Bolt net worth number. The United States pays athletes $25,000 for a gold medal, Jamaica doesn’t. That said, Bolt has made a decent amount of money for competing in other, non-olympic track and field competitions. Bolt has won 13 gold medals in various world championships, plus six silvers and assorted medals in other events around the world. There is evidence he earns appearance fees and bonuses for wins in these competitions. To date, the track and field star has earned an estimated $1.3 million in prize money over the course of his 14-year career. That adds up to slightly less than $100,000 per year, which would still be impressive even without the millions in endorsement money.

Usain Bolt Net Worth from Endorsement Deals

The table below shows the lowdown on how endorsement contracts kick in to the Usain Bolt net worth story. Bolt’s biggest deal by far is with Puma. That deal is widely reported to pay Bolt in the neighborhood of $10 million a year since 2011. Smaller deals with the company have paid him $1.5 million or less since 2002. Puma has an entire page exhorting runners to “Train like Usain.” The company sells not one but three Usain Bolt signature shoes, ranging in price from $60 a pair to $160 a pair. There’s also a pair of Usain Bolt training stretch shorts for $33. Beyond Puma, Bolt nearly doubles his endorsement cash flow through several smaller deals with other companies including Virgin Media, Gatorade, Visa, ESPN and several more.

Usain Bolt Net Worth from Endorsements
YearPumaOther EndorsementsTotal Earnings
Total Usain Bolt Net Worth from Endorsements$108,750,000

Related: LeBron James Net Worth

Usain Bolt Net Worth Calculations

We’ve already mentioned that the Usain Bolt net worth figure would be a lot smaller without his low 25% Jamaica tax rate. This stands out in stark contrast to some Americans who pay as much as 52.9% in federal taxes. Usain’s total earnings from all sources are shown in the second column below. Adjustments for taxes, expenses and investments are all rolled into the third column, with net worth by year on the far right. Bolt’s expenses likely include fees for trainers and agent fees, staffing and other costs.

Usain Bolt Net Worth Calculations
YearUsain Bolt Total EarningsAdjustments (Tax, Expense, Investment)Usain Bolt Net Worth
Usain Bolt Net Worth Totals$111,350,000-$39,933,611$71,416,389

If you liked reading about Usain Bolt’s net worth, try this post about Michael Phelps’ net worth or this one about Taylor Swift’s net worth. All Usain Bolt net worth data in this article are based on our analysis of income streams, tax, expense and investment calculations, estimates and media reports and are provided here for entertainment purposes only.