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Rihanna Net Worth

Rihanna’s net worth is $307 million as of 11/2/16. Our Rihanna net worth number comes from looking at concert tour earnings plus album sales, endorsements, investments and other income. We also factored in taxes and expenses when building our Rihanna net worth number.

Sales of 43 million albums and 150 million singles, have added $50 million to Rihanna’s net worth. Other Rihanna net worth contributors are $55 million in YouTube views, an estimated $220 million in endorsements and $308 million in concert earnings.

We subtracted estimates for taxes and expenses from our Rihanna net worth calculations. We figured $264 million in taxes and $89 million in expenses in the years since the star’s career began in 2005.

There’s some evidence the Rihanna net worth mountain is deserved. A source close to the author who asked to remain nameless routinely works in a high position in Rihanna’s concert tours. That source said Rihanna works harder than anyone he has ever seen.

Rihanna Net Worth Facts

Rihanna net worth:
$285 million
Rihanna net worth vs Justin Bieber net worth:1.9 times larger
Rihanna net worth vs Miley Cyrus net worth:15% larger
Rihanna net worth vs Beyonce net worth:1.3 times smaller
Rihanna net worth vs Selena Gomez net worth6.3 times bigger
Rihanna net worth vs Taylor Swift net worth:12% larger
Rihanna net worth vs Kobe Bryant net worth13% smaller
Rihanna net worth vs Bernie Sanders net worth:533 times larger
Rihanna net worth vs Tom Brady net worth:Twice as big
Rihanna net worth vs Hillary Clinton net worth:9 times larger
Rihanna net worth vs Barack Obama net worth:88 times larger
Rihanna net worth vs Donald Trump net worth:20 times smaller
Rihanna net worth vs Bill Gates net worth:284 times smaller
Rihanna net worth vs typical American household net worth:4,141 times larger

Our Rihanna net worth total is $307 million. That’s 1.9 times larger than Justin Bieber’s net worth of $147 million. It’s 15% larger than Miley Cyrus’ net worth of $247 million. Beyonce’s net worth of $372 million is 1.3 times bigger than our Rihanna net worth total, which is 6.3 times larger than Selena Gomez’s net worth of $45 million. Taylor Swift has a net worth of $251 million, which is 12% smaller than Rihanna’s net worth.

Looking at politicians, Barack Obama’s $3.2 million is 88 times smaller than our Rihanna net worth amount. Hillary Clinton has 9 times less wealth than Rihanna at $31.2 million. Donald Trump has 20 times more with $5.7 billion. Finally, Rihanna’s net worth is 4,141 times larger than the wealth of the typical American household at $68,000.

Rihanna Net Worth Over Time

Rihanna Net Worth Timeline
Rihanna net worth 2005$11,483,083
Rihanna net worth 2006$30,173,024
Rihanna net worth 2007$49,161,431
Rihanna net worth 2008$66,729,751
Rihanna net worth 2009$80,781,853
Rihanna net worth 2010$110,502,235
Rihanna net worth 2011$157,647,928
Rihanna net worth 2012$223,743,649
Rihanna net worth 2013$242,135,781
Rihanna net worth 2014$261,139,269
Rihanna net worth 2015$280,774,432
Rihanna net worth 2016$309,067,662

We combined Rihanna net worth figures from music, YouTube, concerts, endorsements, investments, taxes and expenses. We estimate that since 2005 the star has cleared an average of $29 million annually. The chart above shows how the Rihanna net worth whole grows over time. By all evidence, Rihanna’s net worth will continue to grow into the future. The 27 year old’s new album, Anti has already gone double platinum. It will also likely spawn a concert tour, adding over $100 million more to Rihanna’s net worth.

Also see: Taylor Swift Net Worth

Rihanna Net Worth Sources

The biggest sources of the Rihanna net worth sum are concert tours at $308 million and endorsements at an estimated $220 million. After that, we estimate Rihanna’s investment income at $82 million and YouTube income at $54 million. Other parts of the Rihanna net worth total are $30 million in album sales and $20 million in singles sales.

Subtracting from our Rihanna net worth estimate are taxes of $297 million and expenses of $88 million.

Rihanna Net Worth Sources
Rihanna Concert Tours$271,065,000
Album Sales$29,738,940
Singles Sales$19,557,720
Rihanna YouTube Income$62,667,168
Total Rihanna Earnings$593,497,421
Rihanna Salary (avg. since 2005)$49,458,118
Investment Income (6% of Rihanna net worth per year)$41,001,474
Taxes (44.6%)$264,699,850
Total Rihanna Net Worth$309,067,662

Also see: Miley Cyrus Net Worth

The chart below shows how the Rihanna net worth breakdown looks graphically.

Concert Tours and Rihanna Net Worth

Six concert tours contribute to the full Rihanna net worth picture. 2006’s Rihanna: Live in Concert brought in an estimated $18 million. Rihanna’s concert tour income has steadily increased from there. The star’s most lucrative tour, the aptly named Diamonds world tour, added about $121 million to Rihanna’s net worth.

Industry experts claim big stars like Rihanna keep the lion’s share of concert tour revenue. We estimate 85% of all concert box office money goes toward beefing up the Rihanna net worth total.

Concert Tours and Rihanna Net Worth
Concert ToursYearBox OfficeRihanna Earnings (85% of total)
Rihanna: Live in Concert2006$18,000,000$15,300,000
Good Girl Gone Bad Tour2007$29,000,000$24,650,000
Last Girl on Earth2010$40,000,000$34,000,000
Loud Tour2011$90,000,000$76,500,000
Diamonds World Tour (Biggest Rihanna tour to date)2013$141,900,000$120,615,000
Anti World Tour2016$44,000,000$37,400,000

Also see: Justin Bieber Net Worth

Endorsements and Rihanna Net Worth

There’s no way to tell exactly how much money endorsement deals have piled into the Rihanna net worth total. Rihanna has endorsement deals with Puma, Gucci, Covergirl and Armani. The star has also made deals with Nivea, Kodak, Secret Body Spray, Optus and the country of Barbados. We estimate deals averaging $20 million annually have added the to the Rihanna net worth sum.

YouTube and Rihanna Net Worth

As of 11/2/16, YouTube earnings have plowed an estimated $61.58 million into the Rihanna net worth pile. Estimates place YouTube earnings at around $7 per 1,000 views. Rihanna’s Vevo channel has 10.3 billion views. That puts her YouTube earnings at $61,580,356.

Rihanna has her own YouTube channel separate from Vevo, but that channel has only brought in 41 million views. While that seems like a lot, it’s only 1/175th of the amount of revenue from her Vevo channel. The singer’s own YouTube channel has added only a $287,000 chip to the full Rihanna net worth stack.

YouTube and Rihanna Net Worth
ChannelViewsEarnings ($7.60/1,000 views)Rihanna Earnings
Rihanna Channel (Rihanna earns 100%)48,145,005$337,015$337,015
Rihanna Vevo Channel (Rihanna earns 85%)10,475,655,887$73,329,591$62,330,153
Total Rihanna Net Worth from YouTube$62,667,168

Also see: PewDiePie Net Worth

The video below, Diamonds, brought in over 600 million YouTube views on its own. That accounts for $4 million dollars of the Rihanna net worth stack.

Music Sales and Rihanna Net Worth

Strangely, music sales make up the smallest slice of the Rihanna net worth pie. Rihanna has sold 41 million albums and 150 million singles. Albums cost an average of $10.99 and singles an average of $1.99. That puts total revenue from Rihanna music sales at $749 million. However, according to industry insiders, even the most famous singers generally reap only about 6.6% of sales. That puts Rihanna’s earnings from music sales at $49.4 million. That’s $29.7 million from album sales and $19.7 million from sales of singles.

Album Sales and Rihanna Net Worth

Rihanna Album Money
Rihanna AlbumsSalesTotal Revenue (Based on $10.99 album cost)Rihanna Earnings (6.6% of total)
Music of the Sun (2005, Rihanna debut album)2,000,000$21,980,000$1,450,680
A Girl Like Me (2006)4,000,000$43,960,000$2,901,360
Good Girl Gone Bad (2007 top Rihanna seller)7,000,000$76,930,000$5,077,380
Rated R (2009)3,000,000$32,970,000$2,176,020
Loud (2010)8,000,000$87,920,000$5,802,720
Talk That Talk (2011)5,500,000$60,445,000$3,989,370
Unapologetic (2012)4,000,000$43,960,000$2,901,360
Anti (2016, newest Rihanna album)2,200,000$24,178,000$1,595,748
Other (Remixes, Compilations, Reissues)7,500,000$82,425,000$5,440,050

Also see: Katy Perry Net Worth

Singles Sales and Rihanna Net Worth

Album sales are only part of the Rihanna net worth from music story. Rihanna’s singles sales total 150 million units. That’s $298.5 million in revenue. We estimate the diva keeps 6.6% of that. Singles sales therefore add $19,701,000 into the Rihanna net worth pile. Top Rihanna singles include 2005’s Pon De Replay, 2007’s Umbrella and 2010’s Only Girl (in the World).

Investments and Rihanna Net Worth

Though Rihanna doesn’t have to share information about her investments, it’s a safe bet she has some. We estimate investment income of about 6% of wealth per year has added to the Rihanna net worth stock pile. The one exception is the financial crisis of 2009, which likely drained about 40% of the singer’s net worth.

Even with a big drop in 2009, investment income of $40 million since 2005 has added to the Rihanna net worth total.

The table below shows our Rihanna net worth calculations, including total earnings, taxes, expenses, and estimated investment income.

Also see: Did Rihanna Really Get $125K to Mention Ray-Ban?

Taxes and Expenses and Rihanna Net Worth

Two things take away from the Rihanna net worth picture: taxes and expenses. Rihanna is in a 39.6% tax bracket and also probably pays state taxes. That gives her a lifetime tax bill on earnings of $260 million. Taxes on investments would add another $37 million into the mix. That gives a final tax estimate of $297 million taking away from our Rihanna net worth figure.

The star also has to pay expenses. Staff, agents, operating costs and costs of living aren’t cheap. We figure the diva shells out at least 15% of her income on expenses. That would mean a lifetime total of $82 million in expenses taken from the Rihanna net worth hoard.

Rihanna Taxes and Expenses
YearRihanna Total EarningsTaxes (44.6%)Expenses (15%)

The Rihanna net worth total is growing as you read this. That’s thanks to her current Anti world tour, with 73 shows in North America and Europe. The box office numbers aren’t in just yet, but by some counts the tour is averaging about $1 million per show. As of 5/4/16, Rihanna has a new footwear deal also. Check out her tweet below about the deal with designer Manolo Blahnik.