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Stacey Dash Net Worth

Stacey Dash’s net worth is $730,853. Stacey Dash net worth figures of $8 million or more are almost certainly total guesses based on zero actual data. The tables below show estimates for each and every Stacey Dash role and appearance. Stacey Dash lifetime earnings come to $2.9 million.

Taxes and expenses of $2.3 million siphon off most of the Stacey Dash net worth total. Investment income of around $121,000 adds some juice back. That leaves a final Stacey Dash net worth number of $730,853.

Stacey Dash is in the public eye because of her stint on Fox’s Outnumbered and because of her active media life. Dash has developed a knack for getting into the public eye on a regular basis.

Stacey Dash Net Worth Facts

Stacey Dash Net Worth Facts
Stacey Dash net worth$730,853
Stacey Dash net worth vs Barack Obama net worth4 times smaller
Stacey Dash net worth vs Bernie Sanders net worth40% bigger
Stacey Dash net worth vs Hillary Clinton net worth44 times smaller
Stacey Dash net worth vs Donald Trump net worth9,154 times smaller
Stacey Dash net worth vs Marco Rubio net worth30% smaller
Stacey Dash net worth vs Miley Cyrus net worth270 times smaller
Stacey Dash net worth vs Kanye West net worth85 times smaller
Stacey Dash net worth vs Kim Kardashian net worth205 times smaller
Stacey Dash net worth vs Britney Spears net worth253 times smaller
Stacey Dash net worth vs typical American family net worth11 times bigger

The Stacey Dash net worth sum of $730,853 is 4 times smaller than Barack Obama’s net worth of $3.2 million. It’s 40% larger than Bernie Sanders’ net worth of $528,000. Hillary Clinton’s net worth of $32 million is 44 times bigger than Stacey Dash’s net worth. Stacey Dash’s net worth is also 9,154 times smaller than Donald Trump’s net worth of $6.69 billion.

Stacey Dash’s net worth is 30% smaller than Marco Rubio’s net worth of $1 million. It’s 270 times smaller than Miley Cyrus’ net worth of $197 million. It’s also 85 times smaller than Kanye West’s net worth of $62 million. Finally, the Stacey Dash net worth total is 11 times bigger than the typical American family’s net worth at $68,000.

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Stacey Dash Net Worth Through Time

Stacey Dash Net Worth Through Time
Stacey Dash net worth 2001$98,578
Stacey Dash net worth 2002$81,749
Stacey Dash net worth 2003$141,295
Stacey Dash net worth 2004$103,127
Stacey Dash net worth 2005$125,642
Stacey Dash net worth 2006$113,301
Stacey Dash net worth 2007$153,751
Stacey Dash net worth 2008$214,554
Stacey Dash net worth 2009$290,755
Stacey Dash net worth 2010$289,761
Stacey Dash net worth 2011$319,228
Stacey Dash net worth 2012$399,008
Stacey Dash net worth 2013$388,037
Stacey Dash net worth 2014$555,670
Stacey Dash net worth 2015$706,237
Stacey Dash net worth 2016$730,853

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The Stacey Dash net worth timeline is a sporadic one. The star began her acting career in 1982. For the first six years, she played mostly bit parts and big roles in small movies. It wasn’t until 1992’s Mo Money with Damon Wayans that the actress started to get noticed. 1995’s Clueless and the TV series of the same name a year later cemented Dash’s status as a minor star.

Dash earned an estimated $150,000 for Mo Money and $649,000 for all her work on Clueless. Other roles earned her anywhere from $5,000 for a single appearance in a TV show to $130,000 for a starring movie role.

Dash’s career never really reached mega-stardom. Her career alternates between years crammed with work and lots of money, and other years with hardly any work at all. The graph below shows the growth of the Stacey Dash net worth pile since it started building back in 1994.

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Stacey Dash Net Worth Sources

Where does Stacey Dash’s net worth come from? Mostly acting. The star has earned $1.2 million from acting and another $655,000 from appearances in non fiction TV shows. Most of that money comes from her recent stint on the Fox News show Outnumbered.

Dash has made an estimated $50,000 a year on merchandising since 2001. She has also earned the same amount from endorsement deals. All together, Stacey Dash’s lifetime earnings total nearly $3 million. Taxes take away about $1.3 million of that figure. Expenses take another $1.2 million. Investment income adds back $121,000. That leaves a final Stacey Dash net worth number of $730,853.

Stacey Dash Net Worth Sources
Stacey Dash acting income (since 1982)$1,185,000
Stacey Dash endorsement deals (since 2001)$550,000
Stacey Dash merchandise$550,000
Total Stacey Dash lifetime earnings$2,923,750
Avg. Stacey Dash salary since 2005$261,042
Taxes (43% of income)$1,257,213
Expenses ($100,000 per year)$1,182,940
Investments (est. 6% of net worth yearly)$121,613
Stacey Dash net worth$730,853

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Stacey Dash Net Worth from Acting

Most of the Stacey Dash net worth figure comes from acting. Dash hit the acting scene as a child way back in 1982. She was originally on shows like The Cosby Show and St. Elsewhere. For those roles, she likely earned less than $900 each.

Dash began to get larger parts in small movies as early as 1987, when she got top billing in a low budget action pic called Enemy Territory. Her first really big role was in the Wayans brothers vehicle Mo’ Money back in 1992.

The first really big stop on the Stacey Dash net worth express was in the 1995 movie Clueless. Dash earned an estimated $215,000 for that role. The TV series of the same name made Dash another $434,000 over the next three years.

Dash’s acting career never really reached mega-stardom. After Clueless, Dash continued to work, alternating years of hard work with years of rest. She most likely added between $20,000 and $130,000 to the Stacey Dash net worth total for each acting role.

Total Stacey Dash net worth from acting
Stacey Dash debut year1982
Stacey Dash first big roleMo' Money (1992)
Stacey Dash biggest single acting payout (Clueless, 1995)$215,000 (estimated)
Stacey Dash pay for Clueless TV series (62 episodes)$434,000 (estimated)
Total Stacey Dash acting roles50
Average pay per role$58,588

The table above shows the short version of Stacey Dash’s acting credits. For the full list of credits and payouts, scroll to the bottom of this article.

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Appearances and Stacey Dash Net Worth

Stacey Dash has 20 “appearance” credits. Those appearances are on talk and entertainment shows. Estimates place Dash’s pay for each appearance between $1,000 and $5,000. The lower paid appearances are for shows like Entertainment Tonight, where stock footage of Dash was used. The higher pay comes from talk shows and other series.

Fox’s Outnumbered is a special case. Rather than just an appearance, the show is a full time job for Dash. Estimates place Dash’s pay for the show at $200,000 per year. All together, Dash has made $460,000 so far from Outnumbered and a total of $655,000 from all of her appearances.

Appearances and Stacey Dash Net Worth
Credits47Pay Per Appearance (est)Stacey Dash Earnings
Mid-Grade Stacey Dash Appearances (talk shows)37$5,000$185,000
Minor (stock footage used)10$1,000$10,000
Total Stacey Dash Net Worth from Appearances$195,000

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Merchandise and Endorsement and Stacey Dash Net Worth

Stacey Dash isn’t a megastar. That said, she still earns a decent paycheck from endorsement deals and sales of merchandise. The star began appearing in TV commercials as early as 1996, doing work for AT&T and Miller Lite, among others. Starting in 2001, it’s estimated Dash has made about $50,000 a year from endorsements.

Another $50,000 a year comes from sales of merchandise. Together, merchandise and endorsements have added $1.1 million to the Stacey Dash net worth math.

Merchandise, Endorsements and Stacey Dash Net Worth
Estimated Stacey Dash endorsement income per year$50,000
Estimated Stacey Dash merchandise income per year$50,000
Number of years Stacey Dash has been famous16
Total Stacey Dash net worth from merchandise and endorsements$1,600,000

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Fox News and Stacey Dash Net Worth

The Stacey Dash net worth story is getting a boost from her work for Fox. In 2014, Dash started showing up on Fox’s Outnumbered. She has become a semi-regular on the show and frequently makes headlines for her opinions. Most recently, actor and comedian Anthony Anderson called out Dash on 2/5/16 for being “Ann Coulter dipped in Butterscotch.”

Dash responded by laughing off the attack on Twitter:

Fox News and Stacey Dash Net Worth
Est. Stacey Dash salary for Outnumbered$200,000
Years since start2.3
Total Stacey Dash net worth from Fox News$460,000

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No, Stacey Dash Net Worth is not $8 Million

Most media sources place the Stacey Dash net worth number at $8 million. While it’s possible Dash is worth that much, it’s highly unlikely. Based on estimates and industry comparisons for each acting role and appearance, Dash has earned a total of less than $3 million in her entire career. Taxes and expenses likely take away more than half that amount.

Dash has likely had expenses of $100,000 per year since 2000 for agent fees and cost of living. Even assuming expenses of just $40,000 per year before that time, she still winds up with a $1.2 million expense bill. Taxes take even more at $1.3 million. Investments do add some back, but only about $120,000. All in all, it’s very likely the Stacy Dash net worth sum tops out at $730,853. It’s possible the star could be worth as much as $2 million if her acting career paid out more than double current estimates. That said, it’s not probable.

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How Did We Figure Stacey Dash’s Net Worth?

Stacey Dash net worth calculations include pay from acting at $1.2 million. Also included are appearances, endorsements and merchandise for a total of $2.9 million in career earnings.

Taxes chop out $1.3 million and expenses take another $1.2 million. After adding back investment income, Stacey Dash’s net worth tops out at $730,853.

Stacey Dash Net Worth Calculations
YearStacey Dash Total EarningsAdjustments (-43% tax -expense +6% investments)Stacey Dash Net Worth
Stacey Dash Net Worth Totals$2,923,750-$2,407,452

Stacey Dash Net Worth in the Future

Stacey Dash’s net worth will likely grow. The star has a talent for saying newsworthy things. She seems to pop up in the media with regularity. That skill will tend to keep the star employed well into the future.

Dash’s net worth has grown by about 20% per year for the past six years running. If that trend continues, the star pundit will have a net worth of $3.8 million by 2025.

Stacey Dash Net Worth in the Future
Stacey Dash Net Worth 2017$877,023
Stacey Dash Net Worth 2018$1,052,428
Stacey Dash Net Worth 2019$1,262,913
Stacey Dash Net Worth 2020$1,515,496
Stacey Dash Net Worth 2021$1,818,595
Stacey Dash Net Worth 2022$2,182,314
Stacey Dash Net Worth 2023$2,618,777
Stacey Dash Net Worth 2024$3,142,532
Stacey Dash Net Worth 2025$3,771,039

All Stacey Dash Acting Roles and Net Worth

Every Stacey Dash acting role is listed below, along with an estimated payout. Estimates are built by industry comparisons and S.A.G. rate sheet analyses.

Acting and Stacey Dash Net Worth
Stacey Dash RoleRole TypeYearApprox. Stacey Dash Pay
Farrell for the PeopleTV movie, small Stacey Dash part1982$900
The Cosby ShowTV series, small Stacey Dash part1985$900
Enemy TerritoryMovie, Stacey Dash first billed1987$9,000
MovingMovie, Stacey Dash first billed1988$18,000
St. ElsewhereTV series, Stacey Dash in 4 episodes1988$18,000
TV 101TV series, Stacey Dash in 13 episodes1988$58,500
Tennessee WaltzMovie, Stacey Dash first billed1989$27,000
Mo' MoneyMovie, Stacey Dash starring role1992$150,000
The Fresh Prince of Bel-AirTV series1994$20,000
Renaissance ManMovie, Stacey Dash first billed1994$40,000
Harts of the WestTV series1994$4,500
CluelessMovie, Stacey Dash starring role1995$215,000
Illegal in the BlueMovie, Stacey Dash starring role1995$75,000
Cold Around the HeartMovie, Stacey Dash starring role1995$75,000
Sin City SpectacularTV series1997$10,000
PersonalsMovie, Stacey Dash starring role1999$75,000
CluelessTV series, Stacey Dash in 62 episodes1996-1999$434,000
The StripTV series, Stacey Dash in 10 episodes1999-2000$70,000
Going to CaliforniaTV series2001$5,000
Men, Women & DogsTV series2001$5,000
The PaintingMovie, Stacey Dash first billed2001$60,000
CSI: Crime Scene InvestigationTV series2001$7,500
Paper SoldiersMovie, Stacey Dash first billed2002$40,000
View from the TopMovie, Stacey Dash first billed2003$75,000
Gang of RosesMovie, Stacey Dash starring role2003$85,000
Ride or DieVideo2003$7,500
EveTV series2003$7,500
Lethal EvictionMovie, Stacey Dash starring role2005$85,000
Duck DodgersTV series2005$7,500
Getting PlayedTV Movie2006$30,000
I Could Never Be Your WomanMovie, Stacey Dash first billed2007$60,000
Ghost ImageMovie, Stacey Dash starring role2007$85,000
Christmas BreakShort2008$8,000
Nora's Hair Salon IIMovie, Stacey Dash starring role2008$90,000
Fashion VictimMovie, Stacey Dash first billed2008$65,000
Phantom PunchMovie, Stacey Dash starring role2008$90,000
American Dad!TV series2008$7,500
Secrets of a Hollywood NurseTV movie, Stacey Dash first billed2008$20,000
Wild About HarryMovie, Stacey Dash first billed2009$60,000
Chrome AngelsMovie, Stacey Dash lead role2009$120,000
The GameTV series, Stacey Dash in 5 episodes2010$40,000
Single LadiesTV series, Stacey Dash in 11 episodes2011$93,500
Dysfunctional FriendsMovie, Stacey Dash lead role2012$120,000
House ArrestMovie, Stacey Dash first billed2012$60,000
The ExesTV series2013$8,000
Blue ButterfliesShort2013$8,000
Lap DanceMovie, Stacey Dash lead role2014$130,000
Patient KillerMovie, Stacey Dash first billed2015$60,000
Cloudy with a Chance of LoveTV movie2015$30,000
Total Stacey Dash Net Worth from Acting$2,870,800


S.A.G. Rate Sheet