Asking how much a firefighter salary is, is a bit like asking how much money someone will make if they get a job. There are so many different levels of firefigh...
A college graduate with MBA degree can expect a median entry level salary of $100,000. Some have scored as much as $680,000 depending on the student and the hir...
How much money do doctors make? $645,000 is the highest doctor pay we've seen. $187,000 is the national median doctor pay and $180,000 to $400,000 is a solid ra...
The typical nurse salary in the U.S. is $66,640. Nurse salaries go as low as $35,000 and as high as $128,000. Overtime is common for nurses and pumps in another...
Some firefighter salary levels top out around $400,000 a year including overtime. That's a lot bigger than the national statistics would indicate. The U.S. Bure...
The typical NFL player makes $860,000 per year in 2015. Players like Drew Brees ($23.8 million) and Philip Rivers ($21.2 million) make a lot more. The minimum N...
The video below by BuzzFeed shows how many people in different regular careers it would take to equal the salary of one NBA player.
The video says the averag...
Women still don't earn as much money as men. Women make about 81% of what men earn, or about $11,000 less every year.
The chart below from the U.S. Bureau of...