The Game Net Worth

The Game net worth total of $37 million comes from album sales, singles sales, YouTube, concerts and endorsement earnings. All together, The Game has earned $96 million in his lifetime. While that’s a hefty chunk, it doesn’t give the complete The Game net worth story. The rapper has paid an estimated $51 million in taxes and $14 million in expenses.

As of 11/22/16, The Game’s net worth is in trouble from a $7.1 million sexual battery lawsuit.

The Game Net Worth Facts

The Game Net Worth Facts
The Game Net Worth:$37,155,054
The Game net worth vs Dr. Dre net worth:20 times smaller
The Game net worth vs Jay Z net worth:14 times smaller
The Game net worth vs Nicki Minaj net worth:76% smaller
The Game net worth vs Kanye West net worth:68% smaller
The Game net worth vs Lil Wayne net worth:58% smaller
The Game net worth vs Drake net worth:2.4 times smaller
The Game net worth vs Beyonce net worth:10 times smaller
The Game net worth vs Rihanna net worth:7.6 times smaller
The Game net worth vs Barack Obama net worth:12 times larger
The Game net worth vs typical American household net worth:543 times larger

Also see: Jay Z Net Worth

On 1/26/16, The Game donated $500,000 to help victims of the water crisis in Flint, Michigan. The water company matched his gift for a total of $1 million. The Game posted the donation to Instagram along with a checking account balance of $13 million. That gives serious insight into The Game net worth total.

As of 12/28/15, The Game has been ordered to pay $3,000 for allegedly pointing a gun at rapper 40 Glocc. The judge said the award was low because 40 Glocc had trouble giving a straight answer in court. The Game was forced to pay a much higher $35,000 settlement for skipping out on a scheduled concert in 2014. The Game also stands accused of second degree robbery – a shocker for someone with a net worth of $37 million.

The Game’s net worth of $37 million is 20 times smaller than Dr. Dre’s net worth of $756 million. It’s 14 times smaller than Jay Z’s net worth of $514 million. Other rappers that outshine The Game net worth are Nicki Minaj with $72 million, Kanye West with $62 million, Lil Wayne with $58 million and Drake with $88 million.

The Game Net Worth FactsHow does The Game’s net worth stack up against the big divas? Beyonce has $372 million. That’s 10 times bigger than The Game’s net worth. Rihanna has 7.6 times more wealth with $281 million.

While The Game may not fare so well toe to toe with other musicians, he does pretty good in the world at large. U.S. President, Barack Obama is worth $3.2 million. That’s 12 times smaller than The Game’s net worth. The typical American household has just $68,000. That’s 543 times smaller than The Game’s net worth.

The Game Net Worth Through Time

Figuring in sales of albums, singles, concert tickets plus YouTube earnings and endorsement deals gives a good view of The Game’s net worth over time. Adding in expenses, taxes and investment income rounds the picture out.

The Game Net Worth Timeline
The Game Net Worth 2005$4,908,699
The Game Net Worth 2006$7,802,401
The Game Net Worth 2007$9,407,334
The Game Net Worth 2008$13,050,926
The Game Net Worth 2009$15,012,828
The Game Net Worth 2010$17,575,874
The Game Net Worth 2011$21,600,847
The Game Net Worth 2012$25,552,109
The Game Net Worth 2013$28,399,352
The Game Net Worth 2014$31,306,595
The Game Net Worth 2015$36,133,910
The Game Net Worth 2016$37,155,054

Also see: Wiz Khalifa Net Worth

The Game Net Worth Breakdown

The Game’s net worth is small compared to other big name rappers. The star’s earnings story started out strong with sales of 5 million copies of his debut album, 2005’s The Documentary. After that, the singer followed the trajectory of a falling star. Sales of subsequent albums never cracked 1 million copies, with numbers dwindling with each successive album.

The Game’s first studio album brought in $11 million to his net worth total. The star’s other five albums brought in more than $20 million together.

The Game Net Worth Breakdown

Other big parts of The Game net worth picture include concerts, YouTube and investment income, with sales of singles and endorsement deals filling in the corners.

While album sales make up 36% of The Game’s net worth, concert income accounts for 33% and YouTube ad earnings pitch in another 15%. Investments pile on another 11%. Singles add just 3% to The Game net worth story, with endorsement deals chipping in just 1% of the total.

Earning $96 million is impressive, but 53% gets chopped away by taxes and another 13% is gobbled by expenses. That leaves The Game with his total net worth of $37 million.

The Game Net Worth from Album Sales

The Game Net Worth Album SalesAlbum sales traditionally make up the smallest portion of a top star’s net worth. The Game’s net worth gets its biggest boost from albums, pointing to his status as a star of lower magnitude. 2005’s The Documentary scored 9 million copies sold worldwide. At 11.1% of sales, that put $11 million into The Game’s net worth. The Game’s next album, Doctor’s Advocate, sold 3.5 million copies, earning the star $4.3 million. By the time Jesus Piece came out in 2012, it sold just 3 million copies and earned the singer $3.7 million.

The Game Net Worth from Album Sales
AlbumYearUnit SalesUnit CostThe Game %The Game Earnings
The Documentary (Biggest The Game seller)20059,000,000$10.9911.10%$10,979,010
Doctor's Advocate20063,500,000$10.9911.10%$4,269,615
The R.E.D. Album20113,200,000$10.9911.10%$3,903,648
Jesus Piece20123,000,000$10.9911.10%$3,659,670
The Documentary 220155,000,000$10.9911.10%$6,099,450
Other Albums1,000,000$10.9911.10%$1,219,890
Total Album Sales and The Game Net Worth27,700,000$33,790,953

Also see: Dr. Dre Net Worth

Singles Sales and The Game Net Worth

The Game Net Worth SinglesThe Game has performed on 29 singles that sold 12.5 million copies worldwide. While impressive, the singer’s habit of performing almost invariably with other artists cuts into his earnings. We estimate The Game earns just 6.6% of every copy sold or downloaded. All together, $1.9 million in singles sales chip into The Game’s net worth.

The Game’s only certified singles, How We Do and Hate it or Love it, both featured 50 Cent and both won RIAA Gold status.

Concert Tours and The Game Net Worth

The Game’s net worth owes $12.7 million to concert tours. The Game isn’t a top performing artist, so he doesn’t get to perform often in big arenas and stadiums. That said, the rapper works hard, touring club circuits in America and Europe and earning respectable dollar figures. The star’s first tour in 2008, L.A.X., brought in $3 million at the box office. Top singers typically earn 85% of the box office take according to industry experts. That means The Game took home $2.5 million from the tour.

The Game continued to do annual club tours each year from 2010 through 2014. The Documentary 2 tour in 2015 is being heavily promoted and should give a significant bump to The Game net worth total.

Concert Tours and The Game Net Worth
The Game Tour NameYearRevenueThe Game %The Game Earnings
L.A.X. (Biggest The Game tour)2008$3,000,00085%$2,550,000
European Club Tour2010$2,000,00085%$1,700,000
2011 Club Tour2011$2,500,00085%$2,125,000
2012 Club Tour2012$2,100,00085%$1,785,000
2013 Club Tour2013$1,950,00085%$1,657,500
2014 Club Tour2014$1,875,00085%$1,593,750
2015 Club Tour (Smallest The Game tour)2015$1,500,00085%$1,275,000
The Game Net Worth from Concert Tours$12,686,250

Also see: Kanye West Net Worth

YouTube and The Game Net Worth

As digital downloads and piracy cut into performer net worth numbers, YouTube takes up some of the slack. YouTube ad revenue is increasingly a real part of a star’s net worth. YouTube earnings tend to vary wildly, with some big name stars earning relatively little and some smaller stars earning a big chunk of their money from the online video service. The Game’s net worth owes 15% to YouTube earnings or $3.8 million.

The Game has racked up an impressive 592 million YouTube views on his Vevo channel. Marketing analysts estimate 1,000 YouTube views translates to about $7.60 in ad revenue. The Game takes home an estimated 85% of Vevo earnings. That means $3,823,362 in YouTube money pumped into The Game net worth total.

YouTube and The Game Net Worth
ChannelViewsEarnings Per 1,000 ViewsThe Game %The Game Earnings
The Game Vevo Channel794,489,0140.007685%$5,132,399

Also see: Lil Wayne Net Worth

Product Endorsements and The Game Net Worth

The Game’s net worth doesn’t benefit from millions in product endorsements. While bigger stars draw down the mammoth-sized endorsement dollars, The Game has taken in just $275,000 in career endorsement payouts. The Game’s most notable endorsement deal is for a sneaker put out by 310 Motoring, a car customization garage in L.A.

In fact, The Game’s sneaker deal was so low-end it was featured in’s list of the 10 worst rapper endorsement deals of all time.

The Game Net Worth: Putting it All Together

The table below shows how The Game net worth story shakes out. The table shows total income from albums, singles, concerts, YouTube and endorsements. The third column shows taxes and the fourth column is expenses. Investment income makes up the final part of The Game net worth story.

The Game Net Worth Calculations
Total The Game Earnings
Taxes (52.9% tax rate)
Expenses (est. 15%)
Investment Income (est. 6% per year)
The Game Net Worth
The Game Net Worth Totals$97,193,878$51,415,561$14,579,082$5,955,820

Also see: Nicki Minaj Net Worth

Taxes, expenses and investments are estimates. The Game is in a 39.6% federal tax bracket and pays 13.3% state taxes in California. That puts the star’s total tax rate at 52.9%. Applying that number to his annual earnings gave us our lifetime tax bill of $51 million subtracting from The Game net worth.

For investments, most people average about 6% in a mix of stocks and bonds over the years. That would put The Game earning $5.9 million in investment income after tax. That’s a net gain of $5.9 million to The Game’s net worth from investments.

Expenses are the weakest part of our estimate. It’s impossible to say for sure how much the star pays out for cost of living, staff, agents and other expenses. We put The Game’s expenses at 15% of earnings. That adds up to a $14 million dollar spending bill decreasing The Game’s net worth since 2005.