Here is how to get 10% cash back extra on your purchases using a Discover credit card. Most credit card cash back bonuses top out around 6%, and that’s for a specific category. For example, a credit card will usually offer a higher 5-6% bonus on gas or groceries but then give a smaller bonus on other items. But Discover is offering a 10% cash back bonus on purchases, a rate almost twice as high as the usual high end offers.
10% cash back. That’s like saving 10% on anything you buy. Or, if you pay off you credit card at the end of every month (and you should!), that’s like an investment returning 10% guaranteed. Not a lot of investments return 10%.
What Card Do I Need to Get That 10% Cash Back?
According to a Discover Cards press release any Discover cardmembers who have credit cards from Discover will be able to take advantage of this very generous cash back program that offers an extra 10% cash back. If you have a miles card cardholders can earn an extra 10 miles per dollar.
However, like all good things, the cash back program won’t last forever. The 10% cash back on purchases through your Discover credit card will start up this September 16th and run through until the end of the year:
From September 16, to the end of the year, cardmembers who pay with their Discover card using Apple Pay will automatically earn an extra 10% Cashback Bonus on up to $10,000 of in-store purchases. Discover it Miles, Miles and Escape cardmembers will earn an extra 10 miles per dollar on up to $10,000 of in-store purchases.
Are There Any Limits?
Yes, the extra cash back and extra miles are capped after $10,000 dollars of in-store purchases. You will also have to use the credit card with Apple Pay, as Discover is working to promote Apple’s contactless payment system.
You’ll also have to upgrade to Apple’s iOS 9 and use Apple’s new Wallet app.
What is Apple Pay?
Apple Pay is Apple’s contactless payment system. It allows a consumer to buy items at a store or online without having to pull out their credit card once the credit card has been stored on their iPhone. This is usually as simple as taking a photo of the credit card with the iPhone’s camera. This loads the credit card into the phone. Then all a user has to do is tap the phone on the credit card reader when checking out.
Read More: Apple Pay: The Complete Guide
How Do I Make Sure to Install iOS 9?
In order to use the new Wallet app on the iPhone you need to install the latest iOS from Apple. Installing iOS 9 is fairly straightforward and requires you to go your iPhone’s Settings App, choose General, and look for Updates. Our sister site GottaBeMobile has detailed instructions on upgrading here.
10% cash back extra, on top of whatever rewards you already have on your Discover Card, is an amazing offer. If used responsibly by a credit card owner, it could offer savings on in-store shopping or give owners money back for purchases they have to make.