Selena Gomez Net Worth

Selena Gomez net worth is $46 million. Our Selena Gomez net worth calculations are based on estimated income from TV shows, movies, music sales, concert revenue, investments and expenses.

Selena Gomez’s net worth isn’t public, because private citizens don’t have to share their net worth. Selena Gomez net worth estimates in the media run anywhere from $5 million to $20 million, with an average Selena Gomez net worth media estimate of $16.9 million. Our higher Selena Gomez net worth number of $46 million is based on a detailed analysis of each album and single she released, each film role, plus all other sources of income, minus expenses.

Amounts paid to Selena Gomez for each TV appearance, song and concert tour aren’t published. However, we were able to estimate additions to Selena Gomez’s net worth by comparing payouts to other actors and musicians for similar work.

Contributing to our Selena Gomez net worth data is income from three TV series, five albums, 11 singles, 13 major film roles, four endorsement deals, a clothing line, a perfume line, a concert tour and profit from the sale of her home. The young star sold her Calabasas, California home in 2015 after her split with Justin Bieber.

Selena Gomez Net Worth Facts

  • Selena Gomez Net Worth: $46 millionselena gomez net worth facts
  • Highest Selena Gomez net worth estimate: $46 million (by MoneyNation)
  • Lowest Selena Gomez net worth media estimate: $5 million (by Get Net Worth)
  • Average of Selena Gomez net worth media estimates without MoneyNation: $16.9 million
  • Average of Selena Gomez net worth media estimates with MoneyNation: $19.5 million
  • Selena Gomez net worth sources: TV, film, music sales, concert tour, endorsements, investments.
  • Selena Gomez net worth vs Beyonce net worth: 8.3 times smaller.
  • Selena Gomez net worth vs Justin Beiber net worth: 4.4 times smaller.
  • Selena Gomez net worth vs Miley Cyrus net worth: 3.3 times smaller.
  • Selena Gomez net worth vs Taylor Swift net worth: 4.4 times smaller.
  • Selena Gomez net worth vs Donald Trump net worth: 126.7 times smaller.
  • Selena Gomez net worth vs Bill Gates net worth: 1,778 times smaller.
  • Selena Gomez net worth vs median American household net worth: 662 times larger.

Judging from our 2015 Selena Gomez net worth estimate of $46 million, Selena Gomez’s net worth is 8.3 times smaller than Beyonce’s net worth of $372 million. Both Justin Beiber and Taylor Swift have net worths of $200 million, which is 4.4 times larger than Selena Gomez’s net worth. Miley Cyrus’ net worth of $150 million is 3.3 times larger than Selena Gomez’s net worth, and Selena Gomez’s net worth is 1,778 times smaller than Bill Gates’ net worth of $80 billion. Finally, the median American household has a net worth of $68,000, which is 662 times smaller than Selena Gomez’s net worth.

Selena Gomez Net Worth 2015

Selena Gomez Net Worth Through Time

Selena Gomez Net Worth Through Time
Selena Gomez Net Worth 2008$250,000
Selena Gomez Net Worth 2009$3,491,237
Selena Gomez Net Worth 2010$8,533,752
Selena Gomez Net Worth 2011$14,484,189
Selena Gomez Net Worth 2012$20,147,981
Selena Gomez Net Worth 2013$26,747,658
Selena Gomez Net Worth 2014$38,163,912
Selena Gomez Net Worth 2015$43,882,154
Selena Gomez Net Worth 2016$46,090,170

Selena Gomez Net Worth: Where Does it Come From?

Born on July 22, 1992, Selena Gomez is a hard working actress and musician. Contributing to our Selena Gomez net worth estimate is $2.7 million from acting roles in TV shows, $15 million from music sales, $12 million from film roles, $4.2 million from endorsements, $1.9 million from business income, $11 million from her Stars Dance concert tour and a $780,000 profit on the sale of her house in Tarzana, California.

The 23 year old has earned an estimated average of $6.8 million per year since 2009, giving her total income of $48 million in a six year period. With estimated expenses of $3 million, that gives a final Selena Gomez net worth figure of $45 million.

Selena Gomez Net Worth Breakdown
TV Shows$2,710,000
Music Sales$16,110,170
Concert Tours$11,100,000
Total Income$49,090,170
Yearly Income Since 2009$7,012,881
Selena Gomez Net Worth Total$46,090,170

TV Shows and Selena Gomez Net Worth

Selena Gomez got her start appearing in 14 episodes of the TV show Barney. Paid an estimated $3,000 per episode, the show contributed about $42,000 to Selena Gomez’s net worth. Three appearances on Hannah Montana added about $18,000 to the star’s net worth. Landing the role of Alex Russo really put Selena Gomez’s net worth on the map. The young actress was paid an estimated $25,000 to $30,000 per episode for her work on the show. With 106 episodes, the role added $2.6 million to our Selena Gomez net worth calculations. Total Selena Gomez net worth contribution from major TV appearances: $2.7 million.

See Also: Beyonce Net Worth

Music Sales and Selena Gomez Net Worth

selena gomez net worth dataMusic sales were another major factor that started adding to Selena Gomez’s net worth at a young age. The star kicked off her singing career with a version of Cruella De Vil in 2008 at the age of 16, earning an estimated $15,000. Four other songs for various TV shows and movies in the same year added about $450,000 to Selena Gomez’s net worth, including Fly to Your Heart, Tell Me Something I Don’t Know, Whoa Oh! and One and the Same.

In 2009, Selena Gomez’s net worth really started to build, starting with three main albums with the group, Selena Gomez and The Scene. Her first solo album, 2013’s Stars Dance, added about $800,000 to Selena Gomez’s net worth. 11 singles released between 2009 and 2016 have contributed another $10.7 million to Selena Gomez’s net worth. The table below shows full details of our music calculations for Selena Gomez’s net worth.

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Singles Sales

Another part of Selena Gomez net worth comes from singles sales. Gomez has released seven original singles: Come and Get It, Slow Down, The Heart Wants What it Wants, Good for You, Same Old Love and Hands to Myself. Sales total 8.5 million units. At $1.99 each, that’s $11 million total. Gomez’s cut of that is an estimated $729,000.

Film Roles and Selena Gomez Net Worth

The next item in our Selena Gomez net worth figures is her work as an actress in 13 major film roles, including Horton Hears a WhoRamona and Beezus and the controversial Spring Breakers in 2012.

The young actress has appeared in hugely successful movies like 2008’s Horton Hears a Who, which netted nearly $300 million at the worldwide box office and no doubt added a significant amount to Selena Gomez’s net worth. She has also acted in failures like 2013’s Getaway, which earned only $10.5 million. All together, we estimate film roles added about $12.3 million to Selena Gomez’s net worth.

The amounts paid to an actress or actor for film work aren’t always made available to the public. Some top stars are paid as much as 7% of a film’s revenue, such as Robert Downey Jr. for his work on Iron Man 3. Others are paid as little as $60,000, such as Jonah Hill for his appearance in The Wolf of Wall Street. We calculated our Selena Gomez net worth film payouts by estimating about 1% of sales in some cases or a set rate based on the film’s production budget in others. The table below shows a breakdown for the portion of Selena Gomez’s net worth from acting roles in major films.

Films and Selena Gomez Net Worth
Selena Gomez Payout
Another Cinderella Story2008$250,000
Horton Hears a Who2008$450,000
Princess Protection Program2009$100,000
Arthur and the Revenge of Maltazard2009$700,000
Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie2009$300,000
Ramona & Beezus2010$1,300,000
Monte Carlo2011$1,750,000
Hotel Transylvania2012$4,500,000
Spring Breakers2012$2,000,000
The Wizards Return: Alex vs Alex2013$400,000
Behaving Badly2014$350,000
Total Film Addition to Selena Gomez Net Worth$12,265,000

Endorsements and Selena Gomez Net Worth

Like most young stars, Gomez has added to her wealth by making endorsement deals. We estimate endorsement deals since 2009 have added $4.2 million to Selena Gomez’s net worth. Deals with Borden Milk, State Farm Insurance, Pantene and Adidas have all added significantly to Selena Gomez’s net worth. It’s estimated that Pantene paid the star her highest endorsement deal yet at $3 million.

Gomez also released her own clothing line, Dream Out Loud, and a perfume line called simply Selena Gomez. Both businesses together have added an estimated $1.9 million to Selena Gomez’s net worth.

Also see: Did Rihanna Really Get $125K to Mention Ray-Ban?

Concert Tours and Selena Gomez Net Worth

As of 2015, Selena Gomez has completed only one concert tour. The hugely successful Stars Dance tour in 2013 netted an estimated $37 million in box office revenue. We estimate $11 million of that amount added to Selena Gomez’s net worth.

YouTube and Selena Gomez Net Worth

The table below shows the total Selena Gomez net worth contribution from YouTube. According to some marketing analysts, big stars earn about $7.60 from ad revenue for every 1,000 YouTube views. With nearly four billion YouTube views, that gives Gomez about $28 million in YouTube pay as of 5/25/16.

YouTube and Selena Gomez Net Worth
Selena Gomez YouTube ChannelEarnings Per 1,000 ViewsViewsSelena Gomez Earnings
Selena Gomez Own Channel (100%)$7.6011,624,100$88,343
Selena Gomez Vevo Channel (85%)$7.604,410,796,840$33,522,055.98
Total Selena Gomez Net Worth from YouTube$33,610,399

Selena Gomez Net Worth Expenses

selena gomez net worth expensesBetween TV shows, music sales, films, endorsements, businesses and concert tours, we estimate Selena Gomez’s income up to 2009 at about $47 million. However, expenses also figure into Selena Gomez’s net worth.

While it’s difficult to estimate a Hollywood star’s expenses, we do know Gomez spent about $2.17 million on a home in Tarzana, California in 2011. However, Ms. Gomez sold the house again in 2014 for $3.45 million to model and rapper Iggy Azalea. Rumored to have added extravagant updates of a possible half million, Gomez still wound up $780,000 ahead on the deal. The profit means the house actually added to Selena Gomez’s net worth.

Assuming other expenses of $150,000 per year, the star spent $3 million total from 2009 to 2015. Subtracting those expenses from her earnings gives our final Selena Gomez net worth figure of $45 million.

Selena Gomez Net Worth in the Media

We analyzed ten Selena Gomez net worth estimates from the media that ranged from $5 million to $20 million. Averaging the media’s Selena Gomez net worth figures, we found an average of $16.9 million for Selena Gomez’s net worth. Adding in our estimate of $45 million gives a new media average for Selena Gomez’s net worth of $19.5 million.

Selena Gomez Net Worth in the Media
Travelers Today$16,000,000
Celebrity Net Worth$20,000,000
The Richest$16,000,000
Get Net Worth$5,000,000
Food World News$18,000,000
Celebrity Glory$18,000,000
Celebrities Money$20,000,000
Richest Celebrities$18,000,000
Full Net Worth$20,000,000
Average Media Selena Gomez Net Worth$16,900,000
Average Selena Gomez Net Worth Plus MoneyNation$19,553,652

What’s Not in Our Selena Gomez Net Worth Figures

Selena Gomez Net Worth FiguresOther additions to Selena Gomez’s net worth include several smaller TV and film roles and other albums, such as compilation albums and live albums. Since those smaller works don’t generate as much income and are more difficult to estimate, we didn’t include them in our Selena Gomez net worth figures.

Selena Gomez Net Worth in the Future

Selena Gomez’s career has followed a similar path to Miley Cyrus’. Starting out as a child star for children’s programming, the actress quickly built an impressive music career. Whether Selena Gomez’s net worth will transition to young adulthood as successfully as Cyrus’ remains to be seen. While Cyrus boosted her net worth exponentially by sexualizing her persona, Gomez at least initially refrained from taking the same step. With a net worth 3.3 times less than Cyrus however, Gomez has apparently made the decision to take the same road. Her hit single Good for You in 2015 centers around her sexuality, including the line, “Leave this dress a mess on the floor / and still look good for you.”

The video for the song is, if anything, even more sexualized. Time will tell whether the new direction will continue and whether it will ultimately boost Selena Gomez’s net worth.

As of 12/29/15, the big news is that Gomez’s “Hands to Myself” video has been released. Check out Gomez’s tweet on the release below:

So how is the Selena Gomez net worth story playing out in 2016? The performer got over 20 million views on her new Hands to Myself video in just one week. The star also scored an IHeartRadio award on 4/4/16. check out the picture she tweeted of the winning moment below.