Ryan Lochte Net Worth

The Ryan Lochte net worth figure of $6.2 million comes almost entirely from endorsement deals built on his fame as an Olympic swimming champion. As of 8/24/16, Lochte has lost most of those deals going forward thanks to his alleged lie about being robbed at gunpoint that actually turned out to be an incident of drunken vandalism. Lochte has earned nearly $17.6 million over the course of his entire career but taxes and expenses knock that down considerably.

Ryan Lochte Net Worth Facts

Ryan Lochte Net Worth Facts
Ryan Lochte net worth$6,220,983
Ryan Lochte net worth vs Michael Phelps net worth1/6th as big
Ryan Lochte net worth vs Usain Bolt net worth1/9th as big
Ryan Lochte net worth vs Neymar net worth1/16th as big
Ryan Lochte net worth vs LeBron James net worth1/29th as big
Ryan Lochte net worth vs Tom Brady net worth1/23rd as big
Ryan Lochte net worth vs Taylor Swift net worth1/40th as big
Ryan Lochte net worth vs Donald Trump net worth1/776th as big
Ryan Lochte net worth vs Hillary Clinton net worth1/4th as big
Ryan Lochte net worth vs typical American family net worth111 times bigger

The Ryan Lochte net worth story is one of gold medals and gold endorsement deals. That said, he’s definitely second fiddle when it comes to income when stacked up against other Olympians and celebrities. Lochte has 1/6th the net worth of champion swimmer Michael Phelps with $44.3 million. He has 1/9th as much money as Usain Bolt’s $71.4 million, which comes largely from Bolt’s big shoe deals. Brazilian soccer star Neymar has 16 times as much money as Lochte with $120 million. NBA phenom LeBron James has 29 times more net worth with $223 million and Tom Brady has 23 times more with $172 million. Outside the wild world of sports Lochte still lags behind. Pop diva Taylor Swift has 40 times more money with $309 million. Presidential hopeful Donald Trump has 776 times more with $5.9 billion and Hillary Clinton has four times more with $32 million. Who does Lochte do better than? The typical American family. His $6.2 million outstrips their $68,000 savings by 111 times.

Ryan Lochte Net Worth Timeline

Ryan Lochte Net Worth Timeline

Ryan Lochte Net Worth by Year
Ryan Lochte net worth 2004$26,214
Ryan Lochte net worth 2005$34,766
Ryan Lochte net worth 2006$247,908
Ryan Lochte net worth 2007$475,609
Ryan Lochte net worth 2008$711,781
Ryan Lochte net worth 2009$960,168
Ryan Lochte net worth 2010$1,305,201
Ryan Lochte net worth 2011$2,102,279
Ryan Lochte net worth 2012$2,901,481
Ryan Lochte net worth 2013$3,710,604
Ryan Lochte net worth 2014$4,516,588
Ryan Lochte net worth 2015$5,364,821
Ryan Lochte net worth 2016$6,220,983

Ryan Lochte Net WorthThe Ryan Lochte net worth timeline above shows a slow start and steady progress to a tale of riches that any typical American would be proud of. In our society where fame and fortune are king, some may scoff at the “low” Ryan Lochte wealth of $6.2 million. While it’s true that Lochte’s wealth is low compared to the superstars named in the section above, the real story here is that Lochte is someone who followed his passion and because of it will never have to work again. That’s the real American dream and a real accomplishment for a 32 year old who’s known as one of the fastest humans in the water. Lochte has won a staggering total of 89 medals in various international swimming competitions since his career began in 2004. The flat line in the graph above shows his slow start, followed by some minor endorsement deals in the years from 2005 to 2010 and much bigger deals with larger companies from 2011 on.

Related: Michael Phelps Net Worth

Ryan Lochte Net Worth Sources: Swimming, Endorsements

Where does the Ryan Lochte net worth figure come from? First came swimming, which got him his worldwide fame. Next came endorsement money. The table below shows the breakdown, with $1.1 million from swimming competitions including the Olympics. Another $150,000 comes from TV appearances, while fully $16.3 million comes straight from a slew of major endorsement deals. That’s a total earnings for Lochte of $17.5 million, giving him an average annual salary of $1.3 million and a 2016 salary of $2.3 million. Taxes take $9 million and expenses another $2.6 million.

Ryan Lochte Net Worth Sources
Swimming Competitions (medals)$1,115,000
Total Ryan Lochte Earnings$17,565,000
Ryan Lochte Salary (average)$1,351,154
Ryan Lochte Salary 2016$2,300,000
Ryan Lochte Net Worth$6,220,983

Related: Usain Bolt Net Worth: Oh Those Jamaica Tax Rates

Ryan Lochte Net Worth from Swimming

Swimming is more than just the source of Lochte’s fame. It’s also a source of his wealth. The Ryan Lochte net worth sum owes $1.1 million to swimming competitions since 2004. Lochte has competed in the Olympics three times. The United States has paid him $25,000 for every gold medal, $15,000 for every silver and $10,000 for every gold. With five gold and three each of silver and bronze, that’s $200,000. Where does the other $900,000 come from? Non-Olympic swimming competitions. Lochte has competed in World Championships every two years since 2005, raking in 18 gold medals, five silver and four bronze. He has also swum in dozens of other monied contests around the globe for over a decade.

Ryan Lochte Net Worth from Swimming Competitions
YearWinnings from Swimming Competitions
Total Ryan Lochte Net Worth from Swimming Competitions$1,115,000

Related: How Much Money Do Olympic Athletes Make for a Medal?

Ryan Lochte Net Worth from Endorsements

Swimming may have brought Lochte fame, but only fame brought him fortune. Endorsements kick in $16.3 million to the Ryan Lochte net worth figure. After taxes and expenses that whittles down to just $4.8 million. Lochte has signed some impressive, if not major endorsement deals with companies like Gillette, Gatorade, Speedo, Mutual of Omaha, Nissan, AT&T, Ralph Lauren and Procter and Gamble. His biggest and longest running deal is probably with Speedo. That deal started in 2006 and has funneled an estimated half million a year to Lochte since then. Deals with Gatorade and Gillette have given Lochte approximately $3 million each, while contracts with Nissan, AT&T and Ralph Lauren have paid off $1.5 million to $1.8 million each. Other deals have been smaller one-offs. Speedo and several other companies have terminated deals with Lochte, which will cost him millions in future years. Most of Lochte’s income will likely dry up unless he can find another earnings source.

Ryan Lochte Net Worth Calculations

The table below adds up all of Lochte’s earnings from swimming, endorsements and appearances into one column. Lochte’s taxes, expenses and investment income are in the next column. As a resident of New York, Lochte pays that state’s highest income tax rate of 8.82%, plus the nation’s highest rate of 39.6% for a total rate of 55.27%. His expenses for cost of living, agent fees and other costs are estimated at 15%, while investments are calculated at a conservative 6% added to the Ryan Lochte net worth number each year.

Ryan Lochte Net Worth Calculations
YearRyan Lochte Total EarningsAdjustments (Tax, Expense, Investment)Ryan Lochte Net Worth
Ryan Lochte Net Worth Totals$17,565,000-$11,344,017$6,220,983

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